Mobile phones are constantly present in our lives. Among many other functions, we turn to them to ward off the boredom of the most mundane moments: dull dinners, the lack of excitement in what we are watching on television, the wait to be seen in a doctor's office, the wait for food to heat up.
In those moments when our instinct is to pick up the phone to entertain ourselves, Bacana Play is the most colorful and stimulating place to be. It has the ability to turn that mundane moment into an adventure full of different possibilities.
This is the starting point for Bacana Play's new campaign that has already taken over Portugal and will soon arrive in Brazil as well. In this moment of message renewal, the brand presents the transition from boredom to fun through the "BacanaPlay" button.
The production company We Are Action, together with the directors Martians, embrace irreverence by pressing a BacanaPlay button to make the invasion of characters from the BacanaPlay Casino app games a reality, turning the entire campaign into a true Bacana Invasion.